Friday, October 27, 2006

Be Original

"You gotta do everything: If you specialize in just one thing, you can't call yourself an ALL-OUT-KING!"

-Style Wars (1983)

DJ Neil Armstrong has kindly let me share this special mix he calls "23 Minutes of Summer". He made his way to Rolling Stone's top 10 DJ's of 2005 by being an original, by bringing together music from different gendres and eras. There are times in life when what you do might seem outlandish but how you do it will create attraction beyond your wildest dreams. I hope this mix inspires you to throw "limits" out of the window and be confident with your unique offering to the world.

23 Minutes of Summer

1 Led Zepplin - Kashmir
2 Main Ingredient - Summer Breeze
3 Brenda Russell - You’re Free
4 Earth, Wind & Fire - Walk In the Light
5 Roy Ayers Ubiquity - Searchin
6 R. A. M. P. (Roy Ayers Music Project) - Daylight
7 Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie
8 Rupert Holmes - Escape (Pina Colada Song)
9 Earth, Wind & Fire - Brazilian Rhyme
10 Stevie Wonder - Love Light in Flight
11 Goapele - Find A Way (Over Common’s “Go”)
12 Brand New Heavies - Stay This Way
13 Pharcyde - The E.N.D.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Giving Compliments

"There are those who give little of the much they have - and they give it for recognition, and their hidden desire makes their gift unwholesome.

And there are those who have little to give and give it all. These are the believers in life and the bounty of life and their coffers are never empty."
Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet

When I reached my final year of university I realised that I needed to change my attitude to get the degree I wanted and shine. I decided to lead a competitive environment by working with, not against fellow Business & French students. The deadline for the first French Philosophy assignment was near and I didnt have a clue how to discuss La Boetie or Althusser in context of: "While the recognition of power is necessary, it will be more efficient when misrecognised." Out of desperation I decided to share all the research I'd done in hope for some feedback. I invited the class of 30 students to a discussion, 1/5 showed up. All I expected was a little direction but I gained a lot, we all gained a lot: everyone who joined got a 1st (highest grade) for that assignment. I soon applied this principal to many modules and in the run up to our Finals, I shared revision notes and past assignments via email: encouraging those who benefited to contribute. The following 3 weeks (Easter Break) I received a couple of thank yous, but once I returned to uni attatchments came in: it was only a matter of time before I had the answers to many riddled past papers.

What has this got to do with attraction? By giving compliments freely but wisely, you imply that you have a lot to offer, you dont live in fear of being bettered by others and you are detatched from the outcome. Compliments are the currency of a relationship, they shouldnt take effort or be a means of gaining approval. In this frame you don't desire a certain reaction to your compliment, you roll with the outcome because youre giving not seeking approval. Compliments in the form of the "SOI" are the key to escalation and the path to sexual tension.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Game isn't Esoteric

"False teachers of The Way of life use flowery words."
-Bruce Lee

We are living in a society of struggle. But the painful stuggle is often unneccessary. The root of the problem lies in the individuals who spend their lives transforming life's simplicities to something more esoteric. Look at the financial markets: a simple buy/sell process is hedged with language and terms that bring fear to the masses. The same story repeats itself in
politics, the legal profession, the acting industry, the seduction community, etc. I am not arguing that being extraordinary in these fields is simple. What took me a long time to understand is that the most successful people, the best teachers and the finest methods revolve around simplicity.

The world's most famous Investor, Warren Buffet said: "There are no secrets in this business that only the priesthood knows. We don't go into temples and look at tablets that are only available to those who have passed the test". This is coming from a man who is the most successful in the world at what he does, and still works hard to reveal simplicity and encourage others to excel. The best in the seduction community are those who have a simple structure, but aren't limited by it. These people don't disguise a simple game with a structure that even a maths professor would struggle to fulfil. Ultimately don't let the "false teachers" make you struggle on your journey.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Emptiness allows Commitment

"A Wheel has spokes,

but it rotates around a hollow center.

A pot is made out if clay or glass,
but you keep things in the space inside.

A house is made of wood or brick,
but you live between the walls.

We work with something,
but we use nothing."

Lao Tzu
Modern Tao Te Ching

In our "mediated" western society we are uncomfortable with what we are lacking. This makes us uncomfortable with ourselves. People sense this, women are repelled by this.

We have two options:
To search in discontent for what we are lacking.
To accept who we are, what we know and what our gift is.

This abstract wisdom presents a solution to succeeding in the greedy west. Conversations with beautiful women, arent an opportunity to prove that you know everything. Wikipedia is free and doesnt require commitment. What makes you attractive is being unapologetic for what you lack.

HBPenthouse: "Thats tricky, I recon I've watched Flight of the Navigator more times than any other movie."
Me: "I've never seen that movie, whats it about?"
HBPenthouse: "I don't believe you!"
Me: "I'm serious, you might have to watch it again." (vacuum)
HBPenthouse goes into childhood memories. I Reward and Relate. We set up a date to checkout "the slide" she discovered at the Tate Modern.

When you run out of material or don't know much about a subject, it is an opportunity for you to disqualify yourself and for her to commit to the interaction:

"I know nothing about.... Whats .... all about?"
"Thats a good question.... I have no idea about...."
"I've run out of material, your gonna have to make all the jokes now..."

Take pressure off yourself by revealing the "emptiness" that allows her commit.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Paint in Primary Colours

Why is Ms. Pac Man still my favorite videogame? Tao Te Ching a book that never gets old? Nostaligia 77 successful in orchestrating Jazz that sounds 60s? Quite simply because they allow us to use one of our most powerful forces: Imagination. Often new Videogames get caught up in the latest technology and popular licences which take away our ability to picture ourselves as the main character. Instead we are forced to sit on their ride, accepting their clearly defined characters and worlds. Once in a while we need to play a videogame that isnt distracted by technology, listen to simple music or read a raw book in order to free our imagination and relate to the world as we see it.

In conversations it is easy to be as boring as the latest technology. By substituting our imagination for realism and correctness we are doing exactly that, although we might not realise it. Stop painting the world out in SHADES of grey: "I kind of enjoyed that party". Start painiting in PRIMARY colours, say what you liked and disliked but seperate them: "I loved the Star Wars theme Harry used for his 21st, being served bite-size burgers by Leila was f*cking cool!". "I hate how 3 of the girls had made plans to ditch the party at 11pm and go clubbing!". By talking in extremes and using details, but not flooding people with them you are being interesting, you are taking risks. Dont be afraid of pointing out the NEGATIVE, this is what will make your story believeable: after all it depends on what spin you put on the story. BRACKET negative statements with positive emotions, look as though you are enjoying the interaction and use your unique imagination. Did I mention use the "I" perspective? Well do!

-Aero's Out

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fine Tune Yourself

On a five-day visit to Spain with college, we noticed that people we met seemed to get friendlier day by day. The change was striking. At first we sensed aloofness or reserve from the Spanish we met. But by the third day we felt a greater warmth. On the fourth day it followed us wherever we went. And by our trip's end we were hugging people good-bye at the airport.

Was it the people of Spain who had changed? Certainly not.
What had melted away was our uptightness. The defensive reserve created by being preoccupied by ourselves had prevented us from relaxing and absorbing the warmth that was there all along.

When we are anxious or preoccupied, we fail to notice the spakle in someone's eye, the hint of a smile or the warm tones of voice. These signals of warmth are prime opportunities to connect with people. When we are in our head, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands.

Inspired by "Social Intelligence: Daniel Goleman" and "Juggler" for his valuable lesson of: Getting out of your head.


Sunday, October 01, 2006


"A man noticed that his axe was missing. Then he saw the neighbor's son pass by. The boy looked like a thief, walked like a thief, behaved like a thief. Later that day, the man found his axe where he had left it the day before. The next time he saw the neighbor's son, the boy looked, walked, and behaved like an honest, ordinary boy."


When negative things happen we are susceptable to changes in our perception, mood and actions. Relate this to the attraction game: in order to become a masterful PUA you have to be detached from negativity, which is a result of our perception.

How can we change our perception? By presuming the opposite!
She takes a day to reply to your text msg -> Presume she left her phone at home last night
She hates your flashy car -> Presume she is for the environment

It all depends on how we look at things.


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