Sunday, October 01, 2006


"A man noticed that his axe was missing. Then he saw the neighbor's son pass by. The boy looked like a thief, walked like a thief, behaved like a thief. Later that day, the man found his axe where he had left it the day before. The next time he saw the neighbor's son, the boy looked, walked, and behaved like an honest, ordinary boy."


When negative things happen we are susceptable to changes in our perception, mood and actions. Relate this to the attraction game: in order to become a masterful PUA you have to be detached from negativity, which is a result of our perception.

How can we change our perception? By presuming the opposite!
She takes a day to reply to your text msg -> Presume she left her phone at home last night
She hates your flashy car -> Presume she is for the environment

It all depends on how we look at things.


Welcome, thanks for the comments. How's your life going?
Hola! In regards to perception and "positivity," I find that the hardest part is to find a healthy balance. We don't wanna be a "The world is gonna end!" type of guy; but certainly, we don't wanna be Mr. Sunshine e.g. "You're dad just died? Great! You can have the house!"

But anyways, good post (I'm lovin' the quote), and THANKS for the email. You are my God. ;)
-Life is good thanx, I am open to much opportunity having just graduated (French & Business). In fact I need to keep up my French... Can you suggest any funky sites?

-You are welcome, I have gained a lot from your blog. Balance is the lifeforce. :)
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