Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Emptiness allows Commitment

"A Wheel has spokes,

but it rotates around a hollow center.

A pot is made out if clay or glass,
but you keep things in the space inside.

A house is made of wood or brick,
but you live between the walls.

We work with something,
but we use nothing."

Lao Tzu
Modern Tao Te Ching

In our "mediated" western society we are uncomfortable with what we are lacking. This makes us uncomfortable with ourselves. People sense this, women are repelled by this.

We have two options:
To search in discontent for what we are lacking.
To accept who we are, what we know and what our gift is.

This abstract wisdom presents a solution to succeeding in the greedy west. Conversations with beautiful women, arent an opportunity to prove that you know everything. Wikipedia is free and doesnt require commitment. What makes you attractive is being unapologetic for what you lack.

HBPenthouse: "Thats tricky, I recon I've watched Flight of the Navigator more times than any other movie."
Me: "I've never seen that movie, whats it about?"
HBPenthouse: "I don't believe you!"
Me: "I'm serious, you might have to watch it again." (vacuum)
HBPenthouse goes into childhood memories. I Reward and Relate. We set up a date to checkout "the slide" she discovered at the Tate Modern.

When you run out of material or don't know much about a subject, it is an opportunity for you to disqualify yourself and for her to commit to the interaction:

"I know nothing about.... Whats .... all about?"
"Thats a good question.... I have no idea about...."
"I've run out of material, your gonna have to make all the jokes now..."

Take pressure off yourself by revealing the "emptiness" that allows her commit.



You speak wise words :). Learning to accept what you are lacking is part of learning to be confident/comfortable with yourself. It is to bring inner peace to your mind.

In Zen meditation and Buddhism, they talk about learning to let go of desire and learn to live in the moment: to just BE. I think that definitely includes learning not to desire being MORE than you already are.

Sure, improve on who you are... push your boundaries, but when it comes down to it, you need to learn to live for who you are, just the way you are, in all your unique beauty, encompassing both your strengths and weaknesses.

My dad once told me that sculpture is fascinating because the artist slowly chips out the unecessary out of a piece of rock to reveal the beauty of the sculpture.

You can use that as a metaphor for being human. We are beautiful inside. We need to expose ourself to reveal our own boundaries (fears and shortcomings), which will also reveal our true inner beauty.

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