Friday, September 22, 2006

Know Yourself

This weekend I joined "Juggler" in London for his 2 day Seminar. To me he is the legend responsible for transforming my outlook on seduction. Turning what was once an effort to something fun, organic and even artistic.

Over the past year I've read a lot of what the community has to offer, probably too much but I've taken action, made changes and seen results. Juggler somehow made me realise that I overlooked what I know about myself.

In order to ask fat questions, you have to know yourself. You have to know how to answer that same fat question from the "I" perspective.

So before you go out there pushing demanding questions and vacuuming for information, think about how you'd answer them.
You can look at those Q's, "next" and skip to the next blog. Or you could take a pen and paper, head each sheet with one of those questions and get good at expressing yourself.

Describe where you are in your very own movie scene.
Make it captivating, use the "I" perspective, describe your answer with feelings people can relate to, bring out what is unique and interesting about you, reveal what is good and bad (disqualify), use details and keep it visual.

Finally make it punchy and end on a positive note, you'll see how much more quickly you are able to connect with women.


Hey there Aero! I've been waiting quite a while for your blog to come out. I'm definately slapping a link to this place from my site =D

Anyways, this is a great first post. I'm definately guilty of not truly KNOWING myself well enough. As a result, I rarely put myself into the interaction. Now, I know the first step to cure myself of that disease.

I'll look forward to reading more stuff from you mate! That Juggler workshop must've stuffed your brain with new material. G'luck, and enjoy.
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