Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Find a Role Model or 5

Success leaves traces in this world. Think about someone who is already getting what you are currently aiming for. What skills or traits have they developed to achieve this?

It could be the determination of Christian Bale to transform his body, from a 58kg ill-looking Machinist to the 85kg muscle-bound Batman.
The ability Juggler has to make the mundane fascinating.
The cool and confident character Vince Vaughn plays in his movies.
The dedication DJ Neil Armstrong holds to prove that good music doesnt have to be separated by gendre.
The strong beliefs Bruce Lee had when he was determined to change the face of Hollywood.

Above are just role models I relate to, we all know people who have desireable skills or traits. They may be our complete opposites, celebrities, from a different generation; it doesnt matter because you only want to emulate that small part of them you find attractive.

Mix and match, but keep your individual style: stay a first-rate version of yourself not a second-rate version of someone else.


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